Blindness as if, God brought me into this world with gorgeous eyes for me to cherish them with all my heart, but if I came out of bed not seeing my dog’s puppies for the first time and couldn’t cross the street without an car about to hit me, it would be trouble for me. Through out life if I was blind I manage not to be able to do anything, but if God can help me when I was little I could do anything now. If I was blind I’ll have a great time with it, I won’t let this problem stop me from living my dream, like a singer that inspired me Ray Charles.
He was a blind piano player and singer with lots of talent. He went through life not even noticing his problem, he didn’t care , it did not stop him from living his dream. So if I blind or not it wouldn’t matter long as I could live my dream and be happy like I was before, I love my eyes and if I was blind I couldn’t nothing, but I knew I was happy and nothing or nobody was going stop me.